Monday, November 26, 2012

Time spent...

So hubby and I decided about a week prior to Thanksgiving that we wanted to have our own Thanksgiving dinner on Wednesday. Similar to when we were dating. So we ordered our cajun fried turkey from Kroger and it came with pumpkin pie, dressing, broccoli and rice casserole, mashed potatoes, gravy and rolls. Christian made yams from scratch and I made the mac and cheese and potato salad (recipe from my mom-in-law), and I made a lemon cake (recipe from one of the mothers in our former church). We had a ton of food and it was all delicious! I told him I would love to make this a tradition, have our own intimate family dinner and then we meet with the extended family members on Thanksgiving.

We had a great thanksgiving. We went out with our church to serve homeless people at the Convention Center. I actually left feeling good because I helped others. My husband was the one that suggested we go this year and I greatly opposed the idea, but I'm glad I let him lead our family. It was from 9:30am-3pm, so after that we left to go to an aunts house. We were there about a few hours. My favorite part was when we all gathered to pray and my granny had everyone go around in the circle and say aloud what they were thankful for. I mentioned that I was thankful that the Lord blessed hubby and I to move to VA to be with my family, and at the end I was thankful for my wonderful husband ;)
So after that we went over to my moms house for a little bit. My highlight moment was when I was holding my niece and she became tired from playing with my niece. I read her cue that she was tired because she kept rubbing her eyes. So I laid her on my chest. She was totally fighting her sleep and she kept turning her head. I decided to hold her head down she she wouldn't move it anymore, but boy did she holler. So I knew not to do that again. So then I started to hum to her and rock her gently. It was so cute because she started humming along with me. It made my heart smile. Needless to say, she didn't turn her head anymore, and she drifted off to sleep. I felt so good inside that I read my niece cue and I put her to sleep. I plan to get her again next month when I'm on my winter break. She will be 6 months then and we will go take pictures with Santa Claus...I'm super excited!

Well black friday shopping was also! I went with my sister and we started off at Target and migrated to the Macy's. I bought some boots that I've been wanting for some time now. They are suede, black, flat boots and I love them. After Macy's we went to my sisters favorite store: Forever 21. And boy was I excited. They had jeans for $10. So I bought a few pair of jeans and next was Old Navy. I actually purchased some maternity pants and the reason was because they were on sale for $1. My sister was like, is there something you need to tell me. :) Afterwards, we got home around 3am and I ate some leftovers and took a quick nap. We woke up at 6:30am and headed to Sam's Club. They were selling the Galaxy S3 phones for $0.96. GREAT DEAL!
I was able to get a ticket for the phones so I decided to make an appointment to go on Saturday. The hubby wanted the phones that day, so when he got off work he went back to Sam's Club to get the phones. For the two of our phones, it cost $2.06. Boy was that a blessing for us!

Speaking of blessings...hubby and I went to a marriage conference on November 9. It was Kirk Cameron's Love Worth Fighting For. It was so enlightening and we were both extremely blessed. Kirk has been married for about 20 years, and he and his wife have 6 children (ages: 15,14,13,12,11, and 9). I told hubby I wanted to be like them and have 6 children :) But anyway, he focused a lot of the men and the scripture that he used was 1 Peter 3:7 that states, "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered" He started off by saying the first 6 verses are dedicated to the women but this verse is dedicated to men. And one may ask why do the men only get one verse, and he replied, because men like it straight to the point without any fluff.

He took apart the scripture and he said men are to:
1. Dwell with your wife (spend time with her, invest and pour time into her)
2. Study her (observe her; before you were married to her, you studied her like crazy; men should have doctorates in their wives and knows what she loves and hates)
3. Honor your wife (value who she is and what she does and give her what she deserves...this is to be exemplified in public...encourage and life her up before others)
4. Protect your wife <weaker vessel> (don't be insensitive to her need to feel protected)
5. Open up to her (talk about what you're feeling and thinking; couples can grow apart when there's no communication)
6. So prayers will not be hindered (do all of the above, so that your prayers aren't hindered; ultimately, men are responsible for the condition of their marriage because everything rises and falls on leadership, and men are called to lead their households)

Well anyone that's interested should totally google it and order the dvd. It will totally be worth it. Well I think I've caught you all up on what's been happening since our Anniversary. Be blessed until we meet again...

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