Monday, April 1, 2013

Trip to the ER

Hopefully this will be the first and last trip that I need to take to the ER while I’m pregnant…So here it goes. On Tuesday night I started to get a cold. I was congested, coughing, and head a congested headache. I woke up Wednesday morning and went to a meeting and my boss told me that if I needed to call out on Thursday then please do not hesitate because she would cover for me. At the time, I didn’t think I would have a need to call out because at the moment I only had a headache. So anyway, that night I was sure to take some Robitussin for the coughing and around 3am in the morning I awakened because my stomach was very tight and uncomfortable. I felt “extremely full” like I had just ate way more than I could handle, but I had been asleep for hours so that was definitely not the case.

 I then heard my tummy making noises and I had the urge to use the restroom. So I went to the restroom and I had diarrhea (sorry if this is tmi) but anyways I remember thinking, WHAT IN THE WORLD, I know this can’t be from the antibiotoics because I stopped taking them like a week ago. But then, my mouth started to get extremely watery and I started feeling like I was going to vomit, and sure enough that’s what happened next. So my hubby woke up because apparently I sounded like I was dying and he rubbed my back for me. I was so grossed out. So this went on a couple more times in the middle of the night and I became scared and told hubby that I would go to Patient First in the morning. I tried to get sleep but every 2 hours I had to run to the bathroom.

 So hubby called out that day and around 8:45am he woke me up and said that I should go to ER instead because at this time I wasn’t even able to hold down water and he was scared that I might be dehydrated. So I called my boss to tell her I was headed to the ER and then I called my dad to let him know as well. I took a quick shower and hubby drove me to ER. He dropped me off in the front and the nurse asked how could she help me and I told her frantically that I was 16 weeks pregnant and I’ve been vomiting and have had diarrhea since 3am. She rudely interrupted me and said, so you need to see someone?. No duh, Sherlock is what I was thinking. So anyway, she took my blood pressure and my temperature and led me to a room and told me to get undressed and put the gown on and the nurse would be with me soon. So I did as was told and then when I laid in the bed I sent my hubby a quick text to let him know that I was in a room. 

When he came into the room, he was amazed at how quickly they had me in a room. So anyways, the nurse Gail was this mean little short older lady from the Bronx. She was very opioniated and started voicing her opinion about some issues regarding guns. I didn’t care the only thing I cared about was my baby. So anyway, she told me that she would put an IV in me and she asked which arm did I prefer. I told her I never had an IV but she could do my left arm. WOW that was a huge mistake!!! So anyway, she put the rubber band around my arm SUPER FREAKING TIGHT and then as she continued to run her mouth she supposedly found my vein. So as she is sticking me, she’s like OH NO, THAT’S A VALVE not a vein. So then she sticks me again and apparently she didn’t do it right that time either. And she starts moving the freaking needle in my arm saying COME ON, COME ON. So it hurt like heck and I started to cry. This mean lady had a nerve to say, It doesn’t hurt that bad, I’ve been doing this for 20 years and I haven’t had many ppl cry. I was thinking, well lady if you’ve been doing this for 20 years why the heck can’t you get it right. So needless to say, another nurse came in apologized and tried the other arm and she was able to get the IV going for me. 

So then after she left another young nurse, Rachel, came in to check the baby’s heartbeat. OMG it took her 10 minutes to find the heartbeat and that’s not even an EXAGGERATION. I told her that my baby is very low and everytime the nurse needs to check they have to check low, but I guess she thought for some odd reason that I didn’t know what I was talking about. So she was all above my belly button, on the belly button and I’m thinking OH, GREAT! So then after about 8 minutes she told me that she didn’t want me to be nervous because sometimes it can take a while to find the heartbeat. She asked me if I needed anything, and the IV in my arm was making me cold, so I asked her for blankets. She said yes of course I’ll be right back. So when she left, I asked Chris to come and talk to his child. He’s so cute, he walked over to my belly and said, “Sweet Pea, it’s your daddy. I need you to be cooperative…I love you”. So she walked back in and then she asked me, so where do they usually find it. And I pointed to above my pubic hair line and as soon as she put the Doppler there, she was able to find the heartbeat. she said it was beating around 165 bpm. It was actually a proud moment for me because I started thinking, WOW I know my baby already. 

So I stayed in the ER for about 4 hours. They gave me Zofran thru the IV for the nausea and before they discharged me they asked me to drink some water and eat a few crackers. I was able to keep it down so they discharged me and ruled it as a Stomach Flu and gave me a prescription for Zofran. Hubby drove to Kroger to pick up the prescription and I slept in the car the entire time we were there which was about an hour. I have the best hubby, he bought me all kinds of soup, and crackers, and graham crackers and oatmeal and Pedialite. 

We got home around 3pm and I slept all the way until about 9pmish. I stayed up for about a couple hours, watched a little tv, ate some soup, and went back to sleep and slept the night through until about 10am the next morning. Hubby would wake me up and have me eat but it was so hard because I was scared to eat and I didn’t have an appetite. So needless to say, he did an awesome job taking care of me. 

And by the next day, I was almost feeling like myself again….

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