Baby size: 1.61 inches
Baby weight: 7g
Fruit equivalent: lime
What’s growing this month:
Tiny fingernails are now developing and will
continue to grow during the next several months
She may start hiccupping now that her diaphragm is
Baby’s ears are assuming their proper place
Baby is busy moving arms and legs
How far along: Technically I’m 12 weeks, but this picture was taken at 11 weeks and 3 days
Total weight gain: I think about 2-3 lbs but I will find out for sure on Friday
Maternity clothes: No, not yet
Stretch marks: The usual
Sleep: The past couple nights weren’t good. I was tossing and turning so hopefully it’ll get better this week
Best moment of this week: I have given hubby the privilege of naming our child if indeed she is a girl. I told him the only rule was he couldn’t name her after an ex-g/f. And he thanked me ;)
Miss anything: Not that I can think of at this moment.
Movement: My Sweet Pea is doing a lot of moving in there. Too bad I won’t be able to feel it for another few months.
Food cravings: Not that I can think of
Anything making you queasy or sick: Um, not really
Have you started to show yet: I definitely think so. But only sometimes does it look like that. So I’m convinced that my stomach is moving thru out the day.
Gender Prediction: Girl
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: I’m a worst crybaby then I’ve ever been before and I didn’t even know that was possible. Some time this week, hubby told me that he wasn’t going to go to his barber Bob anymore especially with us moving, it would just be out of the way. I cried so hard, with actual big, crocodile tears (like I just lost my best friend) and I begged him to continue seeing him. And then I added, “will you at least say goodbye to him”. The next day, hubby told me it took a lot of him to not laugh at me. He did good though, he pretty much ignored my crying episode and continued to watch t.v. Eventually, I fell asleep.
Looking forward to:
Anything else: Wow, this has been one interesting week. I have forgotten so much it’s ridiculous. And of course I can’t seem to recall everything, thanks to this wonderful pregnancy brain….oh yes, yesterday was quite a day. First off, I purchased some hair products online and used my debit card mistakenly. Hubby asked how come the company charged our checking acct and my response was, OMG I have no idea, I didn’t even give them my pin. (The sad thing about it was that I was so serious) Second, I was trying to defrost some chicken and I forgot about it and next thing I know there was water all over the freaking counter soaking our mail. Ugh. Hubby was very, very supportive and he helped me clean it up. I’ve realized that I don’t make sense to anyone. I say the most random things and I forget the most easy things. I was talking to this lady about the Black History Program our youth department was putting on and I kept saying, “Black…Black…Black”, finally my grandma jumped in and added, “History”. I was like thanks grandma. Ugh this is so terrible!
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I was proud of my "mini bump" so I went into the bathroom and took more pictures ;) |
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This totally brightened my Sunday. Sister Fobbs saved a plate of food for me and Sweet Pea!! |
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