Monday, March 4, 2013

Doctor's Appointment...12 week checkup

So we had our 12 week checkup on Friday. It was a fairly quick appointment and my mother accompanied us. On the way to the doc's appointment I really felt like that would be the day I vomited. I ate a breakfast sandwich...well I partially ate it...and then I started feeling very queasy. So I drove with a bag in my lap just in case...luckily, nothing happened. So anyway, we got there and they took my weight. I gained a good ol' pound. That made me a little nervous. I don't feel like I've been eating enough and actually I proved myself to be right today because I tracked my calories, and sure enough I'm not eating enough. So I'm perplexed as to what to do at this moment... anyway, nurse asked a few questions and then asked me to lay back and lift my shift...Woah, faster than I thought. I looked behind to my hubby and asked if he were ready? Well I asked him to record it so we could have it for later and he did. So it took the nurse like 50 seconds to find Sweet Pea's heartbeat and she was bumping at 162 bpm. She said she was still below my pelvic bone and that's why it took awhile. I said, woah, it dropped and she laughed and reassured me that everything was fine and that baby's heartbeat would drop some more. Later hubby confided that he was a little nervous when it took the nurse so long to find the heartbeat but I wasn't nervous at all because I knew that baby was in there. So anyway, soon after our doctor came inside. She said everything looked great and baby was doing great. I asked her if it was ok that I only gained a pound and she said that was totally fine because some women actually lose weight in their first trimester. She also said by my next appointment I should gain about 4 pounds or so. I asked her about her induction procedure and she said with first time moms she tries to let baby come out when they are ready but statistics show that past 42 weeks baby has a slim chance of coming on their own. She said if baby isn't here she would induce in the 41st week. I asked her where my uterus was and she pressed down on my tummy (it actually hurt) and right below my belly button was where she said the top of the uterus was and she also pressed down to show where baby was. It was a quick appointment and then we all left. I scheduled my 16 week appointment and my 20 week appointment. That is on April 26 and we will get to find out the sex of the baby...I'm too excited...and can't wait...

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